Financials > Closing processes > Invoice receivables 

Use this process to generate the automatic accounting of the invoices receivables (IRs) from the not invoiced supplier receipts.

This invoices receivable function is run at the end of the month and it is used to generate recurrent invoice receivables. If a receipt is posted at the end of month N and has not been invoiced for month N+1 yet, a new invoice receivable is generated at the end of month N+1 for this receipt. This process considers the not invoiced and not posted receipts (which have not been the object of an invoice receivable), or the not invoiced but posted receipts whose reversal date on the associated invoice receivable is prior to the new generation date.


  • Validated supplier returns with no pending credit memo are considered and deducted from the receipts, if the return date is included in the posting period.
  • Invoice receivables generated from not invoiced receipts originating from orders do not take the order footer into account.
  • In the invoice receivable processing, the tax rule used is that of the order if the receipt arises from an order. Otherwise, it is the tax rule of the supplier.
  • When the VAT rule is EU, the tax total is calculated, but not added to the tax incl. amount.

Based on the PTH automatic journal setup, it is possible to generate an invoice receivable by receipt or by Company-Site-Supplier-Currency combination. This depends on the Grouping option chosen in the automatic journal header:

  • 1 journal entry per line: creation of an invoice receivable by receipt
  • Grouped entry: generation of an invoice receivable by Company-Site-Supplier-Currency combination.

Two automatic journals are delivered with the application.

  • One entry is used to the to generate invoice receivables including tax (PTH).
  • Another entry is used to the to generate invoice receivables excluding tax (PTH1).

This generation processing of invoice receivables relies on the value of GAUPTH - Invoice receivable document (ACH chapter, INV group). If this parameter value is not entered, the PTH automatic journal is used instead.

Invoice receivables and budget closing

Stages of the budget closing: 

SEEWARNING The execution of these stages must follow the chronological order above, except:

  • If the renewal of an annual envelope is not preformed, the carry-forward of commitments and pre-commitments will create a new envelope but the renewal will no longer be possible.
  • The carry-forward of commitments can be carried out before or after processing the invoices to receive by the end of the FY.
  • The carry-forward of pluri-annual envelopes must be the last stage of budget closing.

Creation rules of invoice receivables

Regarding the budget closing, the processing of invoice receivables at the end of the fiscal year can be carried out before or after the deferment processing of purchase requests and incomplete orders, but before the deferment of multiannual budgets.

The receipt tat has not been invoiced does not decrease the commitment.

The creation processing of invoice receivables implies that an approved envelope, budget and budget line, which correspond to the original envelope of the order and receipt, exist on the new FY.

For the multiannual envelopes

The envelope and the budget must exist, but the budget must contain an 'Approved' budget line with the same characteristics as the original budget line of the order. If this is not the case, the creation of the invoice receivable will be rejected. A message displayed in the log file notifies you of this rejection.

For the annual envelopes

It is possible the envelope may not exist. It can exist if it has been created by renewal agreement or by deferment of commitments that are not closed (if they have been created before the invoice receivables processing).

  • If the envelope does not exist on the new fiscal year, the creation of the invoice receivable is impossible. This blocking is indicated to the user via a message explaining that the validity limits of the envelope have been exceeded, the envelope is not renewed.
  • If the envelope has been created by renewal or carry-forward, the creation processing of invoice receivables will search for the code of the new envelope. Secondly, in this envelope, the processing will search for a budget, then for a budget line equivalent to the original budget line and whose status is 'Approved'. If all these elements exist, the invoice receivable is generated. In the opposite case, the creation will be rejected and signaled with a message specifying the origin of refusal in the log file.
Construction before the purchase lines deferment

If the invoice receivables are constructed before the unclosed purchase lines have been deferred, the construction processing of invoice receivables is carried out: 

  • On the establishment fiscal year, the creation of an expense equal to the invoice receivables;
  • On the establishment fiscal year, the creation of a de-commitment line equal to the invoice receivables.
Construction before the purchase lines deferment

If the invoice receivables are constructed before the deferment of unclosed purchase lines, this deferment has carried out all the de-commitment on the order line (received + non received) and the processing of construction of invoice receivables carries out:

  • On the establishment fiscal year, the creation of an expense equal to the Invoice to receive,
  • On the following fiscal year, the creation of a de-commitment line equal to the Invoice to receive.
Reversal of invoice receivables

Regardless of the creation time (before or after the carry-forward of not closed purchase lines), the invoice receivables reversal on the following FY carries out the following:

  • The cancellation of the expense;
  • The creation of a commitment line.

The processing of invoice receivables has been modified in order for the updates carried out on the next fiscal year (reversal of the expense related to the invoice receivables and creation of a commitment line) to be carried out on the order commitment, containing for the annual envelopes, the code of the new envelope, deferred on the new fiscal year.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

A single screen is used to generate the invoice receivables. It is used to enter the criteria related to the receipts to be processed and to specify the accounting generation mode to be used.

The status of entries in the launch screen must be 'Definitive' when the 'Actual' journal category is selected and when the company meets one of the following criteria:

  • either the FRADGI - French fiscal regulation parameter (TC chapter, CPT group) is set to 'Yes' and not editable;
  • or a non-French company is applying the French 'DGI no. 13L-1-06' compliance rules (FRADGI - French fiscal regulation parameter set to 'Yes' and editable).

Entry screen


Entry is optional for the majority of the fields on this screen.


The supplier receipt selection is performed according to several criteria:

  • The given company. If the All companies check box is activated, then the company code cannot be accessed and the process is run for all the companies in the folder.
  • The given site. If the All sites check box is activated, then the site code and the process are run for all the sites of the company previously entered. This information cannot be accessed when the All companies option has been checked.
  • One or a range of suppliers.
  • A maximum date for the receipt selection.


Generation type

At the process level, it is possible to choose the generation mode for the journal entry:

  • Actual: The actual journal is a journal that can always be viewed and printed (GL, Balance…). When you choose this option, you can decide if this actual journal entry should have a provisional or final status. A receipt processed by an actual journal entry is considered as posted. It can only be considered again when the reversal date has been exceeded. In this case, a reversal document is generated automatically for the invoice receivable on the reversal date.

    If the processed receipt arises from an order and the commitment management is activated, a de-commitment will be carried our on the invoice receivable date for the processed lines and a re-commitment will be carried out on the reversal date for the invoice receivable.
  • Active simulation or inactive simulation: A simulation journal entry, once activated, is also integrated to the inquiry screens and accounting reports. A simulation journal entry can be turned into an actual journal entry or deactivated to become an inactive simulation journal entry (that is to say a latent journal entry, not visible in the accounting reports and inquiries). Warning, to ensure coherence, a simulation journal entry arising from a receipt must not be turned into an actual journal entry since the link is then not guaranteed. A receipt processed by a simulation journal entry is not considered as posted.

You can first generate the journal entry in simulation mode, then relaunch the processing in actual mode. In this case, the simulation journal entry is automatically deleted and replaced by the actual journal entry, which will take any new not invoiced receipt into account.

Entry status

These check boxes can only be accessed when the generation mode is the Actual mode.

The status of the entries in the launch screen is always 'Final' for a company set to the 'Actual' journal category, and which can be:

  • either the FRADGI - French fiscal regulation (TC chapter, CPT group) parameter is set to 'Yes' not editable;
  • or a non-French company is applying the French 'DGI no. 13L-1-06' compliance rules (FRADGI - French fiscal regulation parameter set to 'Yes' and editable).

A final journal entry cannot be modified or deleted, only the analytical allocations remain accessible.

Products to be processed

These check boxes are used to only take into account some receipt lines, by either selecting the products managed in stock, or the products not managed in stock, or all products and so all receipt lines (default value).

Entry type

This document entry type is used to generate the invoice receivables and their reversals. The document entry type is initialized by the document entry type entered in the PTH automatic journal when the generation mode is the actual mode. If you are in simulation mode, the document entry type is defined by the TYPACC - Simulation entry type parameter (TC chapter, INV group) for the folder value.


Enter the journal in which the entry is recorded (if the entry type supports the journal). By default, for a simulation-type generation, the journal entry is recorded in the journal attached to the document entry type. If the generation is in real mode, the journal used will be the journal inscribed in the PTH automatic journal or if this is not specified by the journal associated with the journal entry type.

Document entry date and reversal date

Enter the date of the generated invoice receivable and the reversal entry date (only if the generation type is Actual). The reversal date submitted by default is the first day of the next accounting period. In a classic operating structure, the invoice receivables are generated at the end of the month and they are reversed at the start of the next month in order to have an end-of-month situation for the receipts that have not been invoiced yet.

It should be noted that the invoice receivables processing generates two journal entries in Actual mode: the invoice receivable and its reversal. If commitments are tracked at order level (in relation to processed receipts), they will be reversed on invoice receivable date and regenerated on reversal date in order to have a balanced budget situation for each accounting period.

Log file

Use the Log file check box to display a summary once the process is complete, of all the journals generated by company, site and supplier (invoice receivables, invoice receivable reversals, de-commitment entries, de-commitment reversals) as well as the various ex-tax or tax-inc totals by company and site with a valuation for each processed receipt line.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • All companies (field XCPYFLG)


Enter the company for the report.


  • All sites (field XFCYFLG)


Enter site for which the process needs to be run.

Start supplier allowing the selection of the records to process.

End supplier allowing the selection of the records to process.

  • Until (field BORNE)

Upper range for the receipt date up to which the records are selected.


  • Generation type (field TYP)

The category is set up in the journal type.
The accounting journal category can take one of the following values:

The actual journal can also be viewed and printed (GL, Balance, etc.). The document is integrated into the balance when said document is saved.

Active simulation/inactive simulation:
Once activated, the simulation journal is also integrated to the inquiries and print-outs. It can be converted into an actual journal or de-activated in order to become an inactive simulation journal (that is to say it is not visible in inquiries and print-outs: for instance, the physical stock count postings).
SEEWARNING A period of a ledger type cannot be closed until the simulation postings have been either converted to actual postings or cancelled. The status of the simulation journals is changed using the processings of the Accounting functionality.

  • Entry status (field STA)

In the event of an actual generation, the status of the journal can be:

  • Temporary
  • Final

The entry status for entries must be Final when the requested generation type is Actual and the company meets one of the following criteria:

SEEINFOThe status defines your ability to modify the document. Once final, the modifications of the journal are only for information purposes or concern the analytical postings. The date, amounts, accounts, VAT code and other purely accounting information can no longer be modified.

In temporary mode, most of the information displayed on the journal can be modified. The modification options can vary based on:

  • The nature and the origin of the accounting document:
    • Temporary payment document: bank line that cannot be deleted
    • Purchase invoice document: BP line that cannot be deleted, purchase account and VAT that cannot be modified
  • The management events that have an impact on the account document are:
    • Charge account with a declared VAT amount
    • Matched VAT account or not
  • Products to be processed (field ITMSTOFLG)

Choose the products to be processed:

  • products managed in stock
  • non-managed products
  • all the products

Each accounting journal entered is linked to a given type. The journal type corresponds to the nature of the entered posting: customer invoice, miscellaneous operations, cash receipt, etc.

This information comes with management rules relating to VAT, reminders, etc. It is one of the key elements of the journal entry.

The setup of the selected journal type determines if you can open or close the propagation to the manual ledgers.

SEEWARNINGThe journal type prevails and interrupts the propagation to the other ledgers of the company of the entry site.

Enter the journal code (1 to 5 alphanumerical characters).
The journal can be initialized by default depending on the journal type that has been chosen. It corresponds to the accounting journal in which the entry will be recorded.
SEEINFO The entry of a non authorized journal code at the journal type level is not possible.

  • Entry date (field ACCDAT)

This date corresponds to the date of the generated accounting postings. It must belong to a fiscal year or period that is open for all the ledger types.
It is the reference date by default.

  • Reversal date (field EXTOURNE)

This date corresponds to the reversal date of the generated journal postings. It must belong to a fiscal year and a period that are open.

  • Log file (field TRACE)

Select this check box to generate a log file at the end of the run.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNPTH is provided for that purpose.

Specific Buttons



Click this action to delete a Memo code.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

This site is not a warehouse

This message is displayed when the entered site is not a warehouse.

Journal type prohibited with 'Actual' status

This message is displayed when the chosen entry type is not 'Actual' but the process generates actual entries.

Journal type prohibited with 'simulation' status

This message is displayed when the chosen entry type is not 'Simulation' but the process generates simulation entries.

Journal not authorized for the document type

The selected document type does not support this journal.

The posted documents will have the 'Final' status for the company

If the processing is launched for a given company and this company is set to meet the French compliance rules (FRADGI - French fiscal regulation parameter (TC chapter, CPT group) to 'Yes'), then the generated entries are set to 'Final'.

The posted documents will have the 'Final' status for one or more companies

The processing is launched for all companies or a group of companies and if at least one of the companies chose French compliance rules (i.e. the FRADGI - French fiscal regulation parameter (TC chapter, CPT group) is set to 'Yes'), the actual entries generated by the processing will be set to 'Final'.

Tables used

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